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PLASA Focus Leeds Stand Information Form 2025
Marisa Beckman
PLASA FOCUS Leeds Exhibitor Operations Form
Exhibitor Details
Company Name
Stand Number
Please select the relevant option
We have a SHELL SCHEME stand
We have made our staff aware of the site rules
We have read and understood the information within the Exhibition Manual
We have insurance to cover the event which includes £2 million public liability coverage
We are constructing a SPACE ONLY/TRUSS stand
We have made our onsite staff aware of the site rules
We have read and understood the information within the Exhibition Manual
We have insurance to cover the event which includes £2 million public liability coverage
We have undertaken a CDM Phase plan
Notification of Contractor
Contractor Company Name
Contact Name
Mobile Number
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Health & Safety
The Health & Safety at work ETC. Act, 1974 It is a condition of entry into the exhibition that every exhibitor, contractor, sub-contractor, supplier and their agents comply with the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act, 1974 and all other legislation covering the venue. The exhibitor accepts that it is their legal and moral responsibility to ensure that their own and others health and safety is not put at risk by their actions (or inactions) during PLASA London.
Please select one option
We employ 5 or less employees and therefore are not required to have a written Health & Safety policy
We employ 6 or more employees and will make available to the Organisers a copy of our Health & Safety policy on request
Regulations Confirmation
I confirm that I have read and understood all the regulations in the Exhibitor Manual and acknowledge our responsibility under the Health & Safety Act 1974 and all its subordinate regulations that apply. Also, a suitable and sufficient risk assessment for our activities at PLASA London will be available for inspection if required.
I Agree
Staff Instruction
Our stand staff will be sufficiently instructed and trained in matters relating to Health & Safety in order to carry out their tasks competently. We will make our staff (and contractors if applicable) aware of the potential risks present onsite and we will ensure they have a copy of the Emergency Procedures.
I Agree
Risk Assesment
We understand we are legally required to undertake a risk assessment for our activities onsite and the management of the stand. We will hold a copy onsite and ensure the onsite teams have read and understood it.
Will you be having any of the following on your stand?
Please note – if you do tick any of the options below you are then required to send a copy of your Risk Assessment for this activity to
Please email
with the details of your demonstration
Please email
with the machine make, laser type and a copy of your Risk Assessment.
Smoke/Haze Machines.
High intensity lighting and other special effects. Please email
with the machine make, full details of its function, safety data sheets (ensuring water based only) and a copy of your Risk Assessment and public liability insurance.
I will be playing music and I understand I am responsible for obtaining a Music License from (please see the manual for more information on the Music License). Please email
with a copy of the licence.
Airships, blimps & balloons
Alcohol Serving / Sampling
Dangerous & Obnoxious substances including flammable oils, liquids & gases, compressed gases / acetylene / LPG, also hot surfaces & naked flames
Gambling including raffles / lotteries / tombola / sweepstakes
Hazardous noise
Hazardous processes or substances
Large Exhibits – any exhibit that may struggle to fit down a gangway or will need specialist equipment to position it i.e. forklift
Preparation, cooking & dispensing of food
Radioactive substances
Seating (Closely seated audiences) & seminars
Special Effects inc. Lasers, Real Flames, Smoke Machines & Strobes
Temporary structures
Visitor participation
Water equipment and features
Working machinery & apparatus
of the above
Activities - Other Selected
Please explain what you intend to do on your stand
I declare that the information supplied on this form is correct and that I have read the terms & conditions for the event and agree to abide by the information contained within the Exhibitor Manual.
Contact Name
DD slash MM slash YYYY
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